Thursday, April 13, 2006

Korn---bluedevil's most fave rock band, I'm writing somebody's blog. Well, have to give him a chance. He asked me to write a blog for all of his fave rock don't expect me to be too well-verse with this kind of packin' sheet.

Korn---err...Korn---actually it's not the original name of the band...err my memory lost is at me again...couldn't remember anymore their original name...anyways, the vocalist of the band is Jonathan Davis, err he's the husband of the famous hardcore pornstar Devon Davis...err and their currently living in LA. Hmmn...err he's not actually the original vocalist of the band...kinda forget who's the original...the band is consists of 4 or 5 members I guess...err just correct me if I'm wrong...err this packin' sheet bloats my head...the only member's name I remember is Monkey...and the rest has been vanquished from my Read Only Memory...

As I saw from the member is bald and the rest have long hairs...well I don't really know what year those posters has been shoot...hmmn...Anyways, for some info about this friggin' band...just visit the ff. links......err just remembered the original name of the's LAPD...hahaha....packin' memory lost of mine...anyways, here're the links tantaran...

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

This is only a temporary post and is subject for deletion......pack sheeters.............